Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Penalty of Death by H.L. Mencken

The Penalty of Death by H.L. Mencken As shown in H.L. Mencken on the Writing Life, Mencken was an influential satirist as well as an editor, literary critic, and longtime journalist with The Baltimore Sun. As you read his arguments in favor of the death penalty, consider how (and why) Mencken injects humor into his discussion of a grim subject. His satirical use of the persuasive essay format uses irony and sarcasm to help make his point. It is similar in mode to Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal.  Satirical essays like Menckens and Swifts allow the authors to make serious points in humorous, entertaining ways. Teachers can use these essays to help students understand satire and persuasive essays.  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹ The Penalty of Death by H.L. Mencken Of the arguments against capital punishment that issue from uplifters, two are commonly heard most often, to wit: That hanging a man (or frying him or gassing him) is a dreadful business, degrading to those who have to do it and revolting to those who have to witness it.That it is useless, for it does not deter others from the same crime. The first of these arguments, it seems to me, is plainly too weak to need serious refutation. All it says, in brief, is that the work of the hangman is unpleasant. Granted. But suppose it is? It may be quite necessary to society for all that. There are, indeed, many other jobs that are unpleasant, and yet no one thinks of abolishing them- that of the plumber, that of the soldier, that of the garbage-man, that of the priest hearing confessions, that of the sand-hog, and so on. Moreover, what evidence is there that any actual hangman complains of his work? I have heard none. On the contrary, I have known many who delighted in their ancient art, and practiced it proudly. In the second argument of the abolitionists there is rather more force, but even here, I believe, the ground under them is shaky. Their fundamental error consists in assuming that the whole aim of punishing criminals is to deter other (potential) criminalsthat we hang or electrocute A simply in order to so alarm B that he will not kill C. This, I believe, is an assumption which confuses a part with the whole. Deterrence, obviously, is one of the aims of punishment, but it is surely not the only one. On the contrary, there are at least half a dozen, and some are probably quite as important. At least one of them, practically considered, is more important. Commonly, it is described as revenge, but revenge is really not the word for it. I borrow a better term from the late Aristotle: katharsis. Katharsis, so used, means a salubrious discharge of emotions, a healthy letting off of steam. A school-boy, disliking his teacher, deposits a tack upon the pedagogical chair; the teacher jumps and the boy laughs. This is katharsis. What I contend is that one of the prime objects of all judicial punishments is to afford the same grateful relief (a) to the immediate victims of the criminal punished, and (b) to the general body of moral and timorous men. These persons, and particularly the first group, are concerned only indirectly with deterring other criminals. The thing they crave primarily is the satisfaction of seeing the criminal actually before them suffer as he made them suffer. What they want is the peace of mind that goes with the feeling that accounts are squared. Until they get that satisfaction they are in a state of emotional tension, and hence unhappy. The instant they get it they are comfortable. I do not argue that this yearning is noble; I simply argue that it is almost universal among human beings. In the face of injuries that are unimportant and can be borne without damage it may yield to higher impulses; that is to say, it may yield to what is called Christian charity. But when the injury is serious Christianity is adjourned, and even saints reach for their sidearms. It is plainly asking too much of human nature to expect it to conquer so natural an impulse. A keeps a store and has a bookkeeper, B. B steals $700, employs it in playing at dice or bingo, and is cleaned out. What is A to do? Let B go? If he does so he will be unable to sleep at night. The sense of injury, of injustice, of frustration, will haunt him like pruritus. So he turns B over to the police, and they hustle B to prison. Thereafter A can sleep. More, he has pleasant dreams. He pictures B chained to the wall of a dungeon a hundred feet underground, devoured by rats and scorpions. It is so agreeable that it makes him forget his $700. He has got his katharsis. The same thing precisely takes place on a larger scale when there is a crime which destroys a whole community’s sense of security. Every law-abiding citizen feels menaced and frustrated until the criminals have been struck downuntil the communal capacity to get even with them, and more than even has been dramatically demonstrated. Here, manifestly, the business of deterring others is no more than an afterthought. The main thing is to destroy the concrete scoundrels whose act has alarmed everyone and thus made everyone unhappy. Until they are brought to book that unhappiness continues; when the law has been executed upon them there is a sigh of relief. In other words, there is katharsis. I know of no public demand for the death penalty for ordinary crimes, even for ordinary homicides. Its infliction would shock all men of normal decency of feeling. But for crimes involving the deliberate and inexcusable taking of human life, by men openly defiant of all civilized orderfor such crimes it seems, to nine men out of ten, a just and proper punishment. Any lesser penalty leaves them feeling that the criminal has got the better of societythat he is free to add insult to injury by laughing. That feeling can be dissipated only by a recourse to katharsis, the invention of the aforesaid Aristotle. It is more effectively and economically achieved, as human nature now is, by wafting the criminal to realms of bliss. The real objection to capital punishment doesn’t lie against the actual extermination of the condemned, but against our brutal American habit of putting it off so long. After all, every one of us must die soon or late, and a murderer, it must be assumed, is one who makes that sad fact the cornerstone of his metaphysic. But it is one thing to die, and quite another thing to lie for long months and even years under the shadow of death. No sane man would choose such a finish. All of us, despite the Prayer Book, long for a swift and unexpected end. Unhappily, a murderer, under the irrational American system, is tortured for what, to him, must seem a whole series of eternities. For months on end, he sits in prison while his lawyers carry on their idiotic buffoonery with writs, injunctions, mandamuses, and appeals. In order to get his money (or that of his friends) they have to feed him with hope. Now and then, by the imbecility of a judge or some trick of juridic science, they actu ally justify it. But let us say that, his money all gone, they finally throw up their hands. Their client is now ready for the rope or the chair. But he must still wait for months before it fetches him. That wait, I believe, is horribly cruel. I have seen more than one man sitting in the death-house, and I don’t want to see any more. Worse, it is wholly useless. Why should he wait at all? Why not hang him the day after the last court dissipates his last hope? Why torture him as not even cannibals would torture their victims? The common answer is that he must have time to make his peace with God. But how long does that take? It may be accomplished, I believe, in two hours quite as comfortably as in two years. There are, indeed, no temporal limitations upon God. He could forgive a whole herd of murderers in a millionth of a second. More, it has been done. Source This version of The Penalty of Death originally appeared in Menckens Prejudices: Fifth Series (1926).

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Get the Most Out of ACT Math Practice Questions

How to Get the Most Out of ACT Math Practice Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Now that you’ve gathered together all your ACT math study materials, it’s time to put together a plan of attack. Having the right study materials is key, but understanding how to use them to their best effect is just as important. (What good is a tool wielded improperly, after all?) We’ve put together a comprehensive plan on how to make use of your ACT math study materials and boost your math score. We’ll walk you through how to best use your math practice problems and how to make the best study plan possible to prepare yourself for test day. Importance of Using Proper ACT Study Materials Before we talk about how to use your study material, it’s important to make sure you have the best material possible from which to work. Unfortunately, the internet is teeming with â€Å"ACT study materials† of questionable quality, and using this material as a resource is more likely to hinder you than help you. Using poorly designed study material will give you a false sense of how you’ll do on the real ACT (whether better or worse), which is not helpful for your study time and test prep. The most accurate and highest quality study material will come from ACT, Inc. itself. After that, only prep programs that use and truly base their questions off this material are worth your time. We have gathered together all the best free ACT study material and practice problems, so definitely start there for all your ACT math practice problem needs. Ready, set, let's go! How to Begin - Identifying Your Current Strengths and Weaknesses Before you tailor your study plan to your needs, you must first find your current strengths and weaknesses by running a diagnostic on your current performance. Step 1: Take a Practice Test If you haven’t taken one already, start by taking a full practice test. This will give you the best sense of your current projected score and percentile rank. Though you may be more focused on improving your math score right now, you will still need to take a full test so that you can best replicate a real testing environment. Not only will taking a full test show you your current strengths and weaknesses, but it will also show you how your math scores fit into your larger test-taking picture. The ACT is a marathon, and your scores will fluctuate depending on your energy and concentration levels over the course of the entire test. So you’ll only get a full picture of your current levels per topic if you take the complete test all together. This is a baseline, so be honest. Only then will you be able to tell where you’re starting and how far you have to go. So take it as you would the real test, adhere to the timing rules and don’t stop and look things up. As you go through, make sure to also mark your test- put a mark any time you feel unsure about a question and cross out any eliminated answer options. This will help you to identify patterns in your overall test-taking later. Step 2: Examine Your Test-Taking Patterns Once you’ve corrected your practice test, look at your spread of right and wrong answers. Are there any patterns to the distribution? There are two general ways to categorize your mistakes: by location on the test and by content. If you can organize your errors accordingly, it will help you understand why you're missing questions and make a study plan to address your weaknesses. The ACT math section is 60 questions, and they are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, which means that location-specific errors are generally errors due to difficulty. To spot patterns of location-based errors, ask yourself whether you are: Missing questions over the entire math section, seemingly evenly throughout? Missing several questions in the 1-20 range? (Though it is normal to miss some or even several questions on the overall ACT math section, try to carefully analyze and improve upon your mistakes in this range. The earlier questions will be the quickest and "simplest" to solve and so will net you a nice cushion of points if you can grab them.) Missing questions in a cluster around the 30-40 marker? (This is where the test transitions from "easy" to "medium-level" difficulty and that transition can trip many students up.) Missing questions mostly in the 40-60 range? (This is the transition from "medium" to "medium-high" difficulty.) Missing questions mostly in the 50-60 range? (This is the "highest" difficulty range and so is tough for the vast majority of students.) You may also be getting questions wrong by topic. Though math topics on the ACT tend to cluster in certain locations (for example, more algebra questions appear at the beginning of the test than they do at the end), you will also find each topic scattered throughout the test (more on this in our ACT Math question distribution guide). As such, you must look at each of your errors closely in order to see if there is a topic-specific pattern to your errors. To spot trends in content errors, ask yourself whether you are: Getting all or most questions wrong in a particular topic, no matter where the questions are located in the test? (E.g., are you missing all triangle questions, whether they are appear as question 5 or question 50?) Getting questions wrong by topic only in the medium or high level difficulty? (For instance, can you solve "easy" slope questions, but miss all the "difficult" slope questions?) Having a seemingly even spread of right and wrong answers by topic throughout the test? (If you answered questions 12 and 48 on functions correctly, but missed question 20, it may have less to do with your understanding of functions as a topic and more to do with the phrasing of the question or the speed at which you were taking the test. Take a careful look at each problem to see if you can spot the pattern.) The less familiar you are with a particular math topic, the harder it will be to answer the variety of problems on it that you’ll see on the ACT. Take a look at our individual math guides for topic-specific help and practice questions for any of your ACT math topic problem areas. Most people will start out their ACT practice by missing a combination of location-specific and topic-specific questions, so don’t worry if your pattern starts out this way too. As you get more and more used to both the material and the way the ACT tests this material, you’ll narrow your range of wrong answers and increase your accuracy in both fields. Step 3: Make a List of Your ACT Math Strengths and Weaknesses Now that you’ve looked at your test-taking patterns, make a list on a separate piece of paper of all the math topics in which you missed questions. (For reference, we have put together a complete list of ACT math topics.) In addition to the topics missed, make a list of the types of errors you made. Why do this? There is a big difference between types of errors on the ACT math test- not knowing how to approach a question at all is very different than misreading a question. You’ll need to examine exactly what kinds of errors you’ve made so that you can learn to avoid them in the future. Finding the wrong variable or final value This is one of the most common errors, especially on problems where you must find an "unusual" final answer. For instance, the problem may ask you to find the value of x + y for your final solution, when your natural instinct is to find the value of x or y alone. Misreading the question This can include misreading any value or variable in the overall question or simply misreading what the question is asking you to do. For example, in a word problem, did you mix up "Andy" and "Amelia"? Did you read "subtract" as "square"? It is easy to make assumptions or to mix up similar words if you're going too quickly through your problems. Stopping your solve too early or too late In a problem that requires multiple steps, you may accidentally find yourself stopping a step or two too early or going a step or two too far. For instance, if you need to find the 10th number in a sequence and you're counting by hand, you might accidentally find the 9th or th number in the sequence instead. Many answer choices are generated by this type of error, so be extra cautious in only taking the exact number of steps necessary. Running out of time If you run out of time in the math section, you will likely start making several errors either because you didn't have time enough to solve the question properly or you didn't even have time to look at the question. Not knowing how to approach the question at all Whether it's the wording of the question or the math topic involved, sometimes you'll find yourself completely flummoxed. You may not know how to set up the solve to the problem in the slightest, or you may try and fail to set up the solve. Either way, this is a problem that you simply don't know how to approach. Mixing up or forgetting your formulas You will NOT be given any formulas, so it can be easy to misremember or mix up your formulas in your head if you aren't vigilant. If you need to find the area of a circle, make sure you're using the area formula and not the circumference formula. Note: don’t take â€Å"careless errors† like misreading the question lightly! It is easy to think that you wouldn’t make such an obvious mistake next time, but don’t underestimate the effects of adrenaline and exhaustion on your thinking patterns. With practice and diligence, you can avoid making these kinds of mistakes, but you must dedicate yourself to being very careful. Always double check to make sure your answer matches exactly what the test is asking you to find. Got all your ducks in a row? Excellent! How to Proceed - Using ACT Math Practice Questions to Raise Your Score Now that you’ve got your baseline, how do you use your practice material to raise your score? Let’s take a look. #1: Take a look at your list of strengths and weaknesses and brush up on those math topics that lie in your weak zone. If you’re simply unfamiliar with a particular math topic, then practicing problem after problem isn’t going to help all that much. You would never walk into French 4 without taking French 1, and math is exactly the same. So don’t dive off the deep end of polygon problems if you’re unfamiliar with their basic principles. For every topic on the ACT, you must first understand both the ins and outs of the particular math topic as well as how you’ll see it tested on the ACT. Our ACT math guides are tailored to reflect and demonstrate how each topic is presented on the ACT, so you won’t have to waste time reading and memorizing more strategies and facts than you absolutely need to. By studying the topic first (before diving right into all your practice problems), you’ll also keep your practice problems â€Å"fresh.† It’s no use throwing yourself against a wall of function problems if you’ve never studied functions in school- it will only leave you with no new material to study from once you’ve brushed up on how to actually solve function problems. Once you’ve refreshed your understanding of a math topic and learned what you need to learn, you can use your practice problems solidify the knowledge in your head and get you to where you need to be by test day. #2: When you do find practice questions, always try to solve them yourself first without looking to the answer. If you look at a problem and then look straight to the answer, you are not really solving the problem. The answer explanation might make sense to you and even make you feel as though you would have been able to solve the problem on your own, but this feeling can be deceiving. Solving a puzzle yourself and understanding how a puzzle was solved require two entirely different parts of your brain. Always (always!) try to solve a problem yourself first and commit to an answer choice, before you look up the final answer. Remember- you can only improve if you have an accurate picture of your current skill level. #3: Once you’ve brushed up on the topic, take practice problems in multiples at a time, as if you were truly working on the test. As you go through your practice questions, don’t solve questions one at a time and stop to look up the answer after each one (e.g., solve, stop to look up answer, solve, stop to look up answer, solve, stop, etc.). This kind of pacing does NOT give you an accurate picture of how you’ll do on test day and can hamper your progress. (Remember: you won’t be able to verify whether your answers are correct or not on test-day- you simply have to do your best and move forward on multiple questions at a time.) Even if you don’t always sit down to take a full test or a full math section at once, it is still better to answer two or three questions at a time and look up your answers at the very end than it is to simply answer one. #4: If you can use multiple solving methods on a problem, try all the different ways so that you can find the one most comfortable for you. Many ACT math questions can be solved in a variety of ways. Plugging in answers and plugging in numbers are strategies that work for many different types of math questions, but there are others as well. For instance, systems of equations questions can be solved by graphing, subtraction, or substitution, while sequence, polygon, and distance questions can be solved via formulas or by working them out by hand. These are just a few examples and each of our guides will go into further detail. The point remains that most every ACT question is purposefully designed to be solved in multiple ways and different methods work best for different people. Once you’ve finished solving your set of problems, go back and solve them again using a different strategy. Compare this to the first time- which method did you like better? Which was faster? Which made you feel the most confident in your answer? #5: Pace yourself (and your practice questions) Though it may be tempting to get your studying out of the way, do NOT cram all your studying in one go! Improvement happens over time, and you must pace yourself to get the most out of your prep time. In addition, if you blow through all your practice problems at once, you will not have anything else to work with fresh. Again, solving a puzzle yourself and understanding how a puzzle was solved are two very different concepts, so try to pace out your fresh material and your review material so that you can use both parts of your brain in your study prep. #6: Sign up for a test-prep program if you feel you need more material than the free practice questions available. If you feel you’ve exhausted your free study material, then definitely sign up for a test-prep program or buy one of the official study guides available, like the Real ACT Red Book. Not only can a prep program provide you with additional material, but can also help you make the most out of your study time. Our ACT study program at PrepScholar automatically targets your areas of strength and weakness and tailors your studying to you and your needs. No need to assess your patterns yourself- we’ll do all the work for you! And don't underestimate the power of a good nap after you're done studying. The Take-Aways The ACT is unlike most tests you’ll ever come across- it is long, comprehensive, and very specifically designed. Going into it blind (or poorly prepared) is difficult and rarely goes well. The more you can prepare, and the higher quality that preparation is, the better you’ll do. So make sure your study material always comes from the best sources and that you use this material to its absolute best effect while studying. Your goal is to train your brain to look at and solve puzzles in the way that the ACT wants you to, and most people can only do so with focused effort and practice. But always keep in mind too that the ACT is designed to be an achievable and trainable test. With the right practice, it is absolutely possible to succeed and get the scores you want. Once you know how to hone your focus and target specific areas to study, you’ll be mastering ACT math questions in no time. What’s Next? Now that you've looked at your ACT test-taking patterns, check out our individual ACT math guides to help you brush up on any topic that was less familiar to you. Running out of time on the ACT math section? If you found that you didn't have enough time to finish your ACT math section, check out our guide for how to beat the clock and maximize your ACT math score. Unsure about your ACT math formulas? Make sure you've memorized your most important formulas and then check out how to use that knowledge to its best effect. Looking to get a perfect score? Our guide to getting a perfect 36 on ACT math will help get you to where you need to be. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math lesson, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Phonological aspect of English teaching and learning Research Proposal

Phonological aspect of English teaching and learning - Research Proposal Example In teaching process much depends on a teacher of foreign language and what English is taught and spoken by the teacher. Nowadays, interest rises in the sphere of phonology and phonetics, as growing number of English speakers of outside the cycle and expanding cycle globally leads to modification of original English under the influence of globalization. It is necessary to analyze this issue on the Arabic learners of English language. (Abd-Elbasseer, Barakat, 2007) The matters of mother tongue influence and its avoiding while learning English of what and how to teach are one of the most discussed ones, both from the students’ and the teachers’ sides. English learning is a wide field of research, especially because of there are several variants of English, and each is considered to be right by its speakers. English teaching methodology has proved the fact of mother tongue influence on English learning statement. (Kavaliauskiene, G., 2009). Mother tongue influences foreign language as the learner tends to compare what to teach to the mother tongue, and all the information received is analyzed and digested from the point of view of differences between these two languages. When pronouncing the sounds of English, vowels and consonants of the mother tongue make the basis for the sounds studied which is incorrect and needs remediation in the process of studying. (Kavaliauskiene, 2009).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What is the object of copyright How should the law define the 'work' Essay

What is the object of copyright How should the law define the 'work' in the context of literary property - Essay Example The copyright’s interpretation and protection is mainly related to the indigenous creation of the work. It does not apply to the idea that underlies its creation. As such, copyright protects the presentation of the idea. For instance, an idea behind a book is not protected but the presentation of the idea in the form of a book through the content is protected. This means that other individuals can also utilize the same idea and write a book based on that idea; however, they cannot claim copyright if the content of the book is copied or if it is an adaptation of another writer’s presentation of that idea (The UK Copyright Service, 2004). Names, titles, phrases and specific colours are ineligible to be granted a copyright, because they are not considered to be unique or distinct. They are also not sufficiently tangible to be protected by copyright law. However, a logo which contains all these components can be protected by copyright. Therefore, the form in which an idea or a creative work is presented can be protected by copyright law. Nevertheless, just the idea behind such a presentation cannot be protected (The UK Copyright Service, 2004). The Institute for Public Policy Research or the IPPR claims that millions of consumers infringe the copyright law by illegally copying the content of CD’s and DVD’s. The usual practice is to store the content of CD’s and DVD’s on computer hard disk drives or on optical discs. This practice makes it look as though there is some kind of private right to duplicate copyrighted content. According to Ian Kearns, Deputy Director of IPPR, the existing English law with regard to copyrights cannot counter the unlawful practices adopted by consumers, due to the sophistication of the technology employed (HOME NEWS, October 30, 2006; Pg. 15 ). The existing law provides a legalised private right to copy, to the people. Under this private right, consumers are freely copying the contents of CD’s or DVD’s onto their

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Local, State, and Federal Laws and Policie Essay Example for Free

Local, State, and Federal Laws and Policie Essay One of the most important aspects of teaching is providing a safe environment where student learning can be achieved. The only way this can be achieved is by staying up-to-date on all laws and polices in place to help schools and teachers provide a safe environment. There are many documents provided for teachers and students to help them get familiar with all the local, state, and federal laws and polices. This essay will focus on a â€Å"Student/Parent Guide†, â€Å"Faculty Handbook†, and a â€Å"Comprehensive School Safety Plan. † The first artifact is a â€Å"Student/Parent Guide.† This book is considered both a rule book and an information booklet to help in all aspects of student life. It contains a multitude of information regarding the rules governing students, student activities, school curriculum, and general information about the school and its procedures. The first pages describe in detail two Acts dealing with a students enrollment, attendance at school, and the right to retain a drivers license. It also describes the state law relating to the â€Å"Quiet Reflection Time† that public schools are required to uphold. The next section deals with general school information. This section has policies ranging from absences and truancy to first aid and emergency procedures. The next part in the book is the rules governing students section. This section includes the policies dealing with fighting, dress code, drugs, cheating, and many other rules and their consequences. The third section is titled Instructional Program and deals with the schools curriculum. This section begins by stating the schools accreditation and also states that it meets and exceeds â€Å"Section 504† in its special  education program. It also stats the policies on parent conferences, graduation requirements, and summer school. The last section is the schools policies on student actives and assemblies such as pep rallies. Overall, this booklet contains a massive amount of information containing all levels of polices and procedures aimed for student and parent usage. The next artifact is a â€Å"Faculty Handbook.† This handbook is designed as reference book for teachers. It is the centralized book containing all school policies. It beginnings by describing the faculty absentee policy and how to prepare for a substitute teacher. The book details many types of leave such as professional, sick, and personal, and what to do for each situation. The next section of the handbook covers many policies on posting attendance, lesson plans, and grade posting. Classroom procedures, which include discipline, structure, and monetary collections is discussed in the next section. The last section in the handbook explains the policies on field trips, purchase orders, report cards, summer school, and the schools philosophy of education. With all the policy and procedural information contained in this handbook, a teacher can be better prepared for any situation. The last artifact for discussion is a schools â€Å"Comprehensive School Safety Plan.† The school system devised this 100 page plan to ensure the â€Å"highest degree of safety and security in the school environment†. In the first section, a detailed description is given on emergency contacts, school crisis teams, and a list of emergency supplies in school. The second part deals with teacher training for emergencies. It describes how communications should be handled, securing the grounds, student supervision. The last section in the safety plan details a multitude of security risks and their procedures. Some examples include bomb threats, hostage situations, sexual assault, fights, and severe weather. The first is to always be prepared for whatever situation may arise, and with this document, teachers are better prepared to deal with almost all safety situations. In conclusion, with all these documents, students, teachers, and parents can be up to date on all policies that affect them in and around the school  environment.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Skin Bleaching in Jamica and Femine Beauty Essay -- essays research pa

According to leading dermatologists and author of the book "Acne in Black Women", Dr. Neil Persadsingh states bleaching is a process by which creams were used to kill the melanin in the skin. Melanin is the substance that gives the skin its pigmentation and protects the skin from the cancer-causing ultraviolet rays from the sun. The more melanin in the skin the darker the person. According to doctor Persadsingh most of the bleaching products contain large amounts of hydroquinone a substance which is very detrimental to ones health and includes side effects such has nausea, shortness of breath, convulsions, delirium, Damage to the skin-wrinkles, severe acne and marks which are irreversible after constant use. These products used to lighten the skin include creams and tablets, they are manufactured in Europe and North America, and are sold all over the world. Normally they are imported illegal into Jamaica. The perception of the average Jamaican woman who bleaches her skin is, the fairer you are, and the more likely you are to become successful socially, economically and romantically. As the woman mentioned in the star many are willing to take the chance of irreversible consequences to fit the status quo. The main question is what is the cause of this phenomenon in Jamaican society or on a worldwide scale among women of African decent. As many women of African descent all over the world are doing the same thing and similar things in the name of beauty and femininity, which if I may add is pre-described by white supremacy and western values. The situation of bleaching has a lot to do with African women’s socialization, their concept of feminine beauty, their faith in their s elf’s and their need to belong and to be... ... can say. I don’t have a problem being black but a don’t have a problem bleaching. Bleaching even though it as existed from slavery days was not so prevalent in the 1800s this is why men and women practiced mental bleaching has I call it. They bleach true the use marriage, they marry some body of a lighter skin or give birth to a child of lighter complexion. This was a form of upward mobility, a step closer to whiteness. This mate or offspring would change their status, their color and hence their life. The woman in the star is part of a great number of women in Jamaica and a across the world who are subjecting themselves to beauty rituals such as bleaching. This is done to keep a breast in a world of white supremacy. To neglect these rituals to these women are to fall behind and to be loss in a sea of just another ugly, black woman with no hope or future.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The effects and implications of using ergogenic aids for exercise and sports performance

Throughout the history of sport, ergogenic aids have always been taken to enhance performance at sport. However, in more recent times physiological knowledge has improved and there are many more ergogenic aids becoming available for athletes. Some of these aids are legal and some are illegal. Therefore, when working as a coach, it is important to know which are legal and which are illegal so that you can avoid any risk of your athlete being prosecuted. One ergogenic aid that is prohibited is blood doping. This practice involves the athletes taking a certain amount of blood out of their body and frozen. Their bodies will then make up for this blood loss and after that process is complete, the blood that they took out is injected back into them. This process has a positive effect on sports performance as the number of red blood cells in your body is increased. Blood doping is most commonly used by endurance athletes, such as distance runners, skiers and cyclists. By increasing the number of red blood cells within the blood, higher volumes of haemoglobin are present. Haemoglobin binds to and carries Oxygen from the lungs and to the muscles where it can be used for aerobic respiration. Blood doping therefore allows extra Oxygen to be transported to the working muscles, resulting in a higher level of performance, without the use of the anaerobic energy systems. However, there are also many side effects to blood doping. Re injecting blood can cause many problems. Firstly it can easily cause infection to the athlete which can result in heart problems such as a heart attack. It can also cause blood clots in the body which can be fatal, jaundice which is the skin, eyes and body fluids turning yellow. One example of blood doping being used was at the winter Olympics. Six Austrian skiers had all been found to be using to using blood doping in an attempt to improve in the cross country skiing event. The skiers were called Wolfgang Perner and Wolfgang Rottmann and the cross-country skiers Martin Tauber, Jurgen Pinter, Johannes Eder, Roland Diethart and Christian Hoffmann. This particular event is an aerobic event as it lasts for a long time, with the competitors covering huge distances. Therefore the extra red blood cells in their bodies would have meant that they were able to go on much longer and faster than they would normally be able to. As a punishment, all six skiers were banned for life from the Olympics A second example of a prohibited ergogenic aid in sport is diuretics. Diuretics are banned in sports because they can help with weight loss and could also be used to speed up the elimination of drugs from the system. This can be very helpful to athletes competing in many different sports such as boxing, horse racing or rowing. One example would be a boxer that has put on weight between fights and is therefore too heavy for the weight category they are fighting in. Diuretics would help them to lose weight much more quickly than by natural means and they would be able to pass the weigh in. They help the sportsperson lose weight by increasing the volume of urine produced by promoting the excretion of salts and water from the kidney. This results in them losing a lot of water through urine, which causes them to lose weight very quickly. The second reason they are banned is, if you take a banned substance that is excreted through urine, it could speed up the elimination of drugs from the system. If it is being used in this way, it is not so much an aid to improve performance but could cover up for another prohibited aid. There are two main side effects to diuretics that damage a persons performance levels in sport. The first of these is dehydration. Diuretics work by removing all excess water and this means that dehydration often occurs. This will immediately have an effect on sports performance. Firstly, blood will become thicker and therefore more difficult to pump around the body, resulting in less oxygen being carried through the blood to the muscles. The body will then overheat due to an inability to sweat because of dehydration. Finally, Waste products such as lactic acid are not discreeted due to water conversation. A second effect on sports performance is muscles weakening, which is very important for sports people such as boxers. This is due to the poor blood supply to muscles. An example of the consequences that diuretics can cause is in boxers. They used to have the weigh in on the day of the fight. This meant that any boxer using diuretics would have to use them on the same day as they were fighting. The diuretics would get rid of any excess water in the body but the problem was that it took away the layer of water between the skull and the brain. This layer of liquid protects the brain from hitting the side of the skull when knocked. Therefore, without this protection, many boxers developed brain damage after years of boxing. Another prohibited ergogenic aid is beta blockers. Beta blockers are banned in many sports due to their ability to slow the heart rate. It is precision sports such as snooker, darts and diving that they improve performance in as they give you more control over slight movements. Beta blockers are normally given for the treatment of angina, high blood pressure, irregular heart beats or following a heart attack. They act by interfering and inhibiting certain nerve impulses being transmitted through the nervous system. They act by reducing the demand of oxygen required by the heart, lower heart rate and reduce the production of adrenalin. There are many possible side-effects of these drugs, but some people may not suffer from any. Possible effects include dizziness and fainting caused by the medications lowering heart rate too much and blood vessels can narrow causing cold and pale fingers and toes. On the other hand, there are also permitted ergogenic aids. This means that they can improve sports performance, but are still allowed by governing bodies of sports. One example of this is altitude training. Altitude training is very useful to any sports people that are competing in aerobic events. Many long distance runners either come from countries at high altitude or move there to train. Altitude training works because when the athlete trains at high altitude, there is very little oxygen in the air. The body soon adapts to this change of oxygen available and produces more red blood cells than normal. This means that there is increased haemoglobin levels in the blood that aren't lost when the athlete returns back to lower altitude to compete. These effects usually last for about two weeks after altitude training and result in much better endurance levels. There are very few side effects to altitude training as long as athletes do not over train themselves at altitude. It has been scientifically proven to have positive effects on performance. Altitude training is proven to have a positive effect on sporting performance b the Kenyan long distance runners. For years they have dominated all long distance running events. Kenya is at a very high altitude and the effects that the athletes get from training in their home country is proven in the times on the track. Another permitted ergogenic aid is psychological techniques. The increased stress of competitions can cause athletes to react both physically and mentally in a manner that can negatively affect their performance abilities. They may become tense, their heart rates race, break into sweat, worry about the outcome of the competition or find it hard to concentrate on the task in hand. There are many different psychological techniques that can be used to combat these effects on the body. These include imagery techniques, relaxation techniques and goal setting. There are three psychological factors which athletes must have control over to improve performance. These are confidence, control and commitment. Confidence is improved through mental imagery. Using imagery, the athlete is able to imagine a previous good performance, remembering how they felt and acted. It also allows you to imagine yourself winning at the end, feeling like you have already been in the same situation and improving confidence. Control is improved through relaxation techniques. An example of a relaxation technique is through meditation. If athletes complete meditation before competing, they will be able to be much more relaxed and have control over what they are doing. The final technique that athletes can use is goal setting, which can improve commitment in sport. If they are given something to aim for, with multiple small aims along the way, they are more likely to complete any objectives they have. There are no side effects to psychological techniques as long as they have the necessary skills to complete them. An example of psychological skills improving performance in sport is through Johnny Wilkinson. Whenever he is kicking a conversion, he pictures an elderly woman standing at the other side of the goal posts that catches the ball. This improves confidence and concentration as it makes the task at hand seem much simpler. One of the very few drugs that is allowed my governing bodies of all sports is paracetamol. These have been seen to not improve sporting performance and therefore are not banned. However, they could be used to help a performance in certain sports. Paracetamol work as pain killers. Therefore, any sport that requires its participants to go through pain may benefit from paracetamol. One example of a sport where athletes go through pain in is boxing. If boxers took some paracetamol before going out to fight, it is possible that it will help cover some of the pain when they are getting punched. They are most commonly used for aches such as head aches so they may also stop the boxers from getting head aches after being punched. It is not just contact sports however that deal with aches and pains. Nearly all sports at the top level require its participants to push their bodies to their absolute limit and through the pain barrier. A sport such as long distance running for example will cause a lot of aches on the athlete's body and paracetamol will help cover these. There are very few side effects to paracetamol as they are widely used by everyone to stop pains. This means that we know more about the dangers than we would of a new drug that may be illegal, as it is used by less people. The only danger would be if the athlete took an overdose which could cause serious problems or be fatal.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marooned in Iraq Essay

Marooned in Iraq is a film by Bahman Ghobadi set on the border of Iran and Iraq. Wherein people who lives in Kurdistan experiences a precarious life. The Kurds experiences how it feels to live in a cold, sleazy camp for refugees near Iran’s border. The cruelty of Saddam Hussein was greatly felt by the loved ones who remained alive. They were the ones who are left facing the daily deluge brought about by Iraq’s bomber jets that are streaking across the sky. However this film is made   more meaningful by Ghobadi by having a mixture of laughter and tears. This made the film more appealing to the viewers and more enjoyable to watch.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The movie revolves on the life of a Kurdish family who are musically inclined. It is lead by the elder Kurdish whose name is Mirza who is in quest for the woman who was gone them two decades before. He was left by his wife and goes with another man to another place. Mirza then decided to take courage and travel beyond the borders of Iran together with his two sons Barat and Audeh.   They experienced great squabbling among themselves but their interaction is really humorous. The humor added to lessen the tension of the scenes makes up a light and enjoyed viewers. Some example of this is when they are caught in a troubled situation like when their motorcycles are stolen by some bandits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are metaphorical and symbolisms used by Ghobadi on the film Marooned in Iraq. He carefully unveils the situation of the Kurdish people under the regime of Saddam Hussein. The film was set during 189 and 1991 where Kurdish are in great depression under Hussein. Many lives were killed and families whoa re left behind greatly suffered. The Iranian revolution is the time when Barat was left by his wife. In the film there is no clear image given about the Kurdish wife. This implies how women during that revolution have been robbed of their humanity. Women singers like Hannareh (Mirza’s wife) are silenced and are not capable of speaking of themselves. The title itself of thefilm symbolizes how the Kurdish people were isolated during that time. Chaotic, traumatic and harsh experienced under the claws of Hussein. On the other hand, there are some exemptions on being Marooned in Iraq this is because some of the characters in the film do find their ways. A ray of hope is still visible in the film which gives the Kurdish people a situation where they can think and do ways to reach lberty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the pursuit of Mirza and his two sons Barat and Audeh continues for Hannareh, they came to learn and understand more the life of being a Kurdish. Through this characters Ghobadi tries to expose the situation during that time. The three lead characters witnessed the frightful devastation received by Iraq from both U.S bombs and Saddam Hussein’s bloody troops. To lighten up the situation Ghobadi uses an approach of adding up humor and beauty along the journey of the three characters. This made the viewers understand more about Kurdish identities. How strength and determination allows the characters to stand amidst the adversities in their way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ghobadi made the film to make a distinction about the Kurdish people. The diversity of the characters in dealing with the situation and how the essence of family floats amidst conflicts and depression. Mirza portaryed his father image by commanding his two sons to go with him for his search of his wife.   Barat shows willingness to cooperate with his father but but Audeh made some complaints because of leaving behind his 7 wives and 11 daughters. This shows the lifestyle of some Kurdish male who settles for many families. But sooner in the film Audeh decided to go withhis father and brother because it is an opportunity for him to find another wife who will bear him a son. This depicts the fact how Kurdish values having a male born offspring in their families. The director used the idea of making the characters in the film portray being musicians to lighten the atmosphere in exposing the situation of the country in that time. While the three are set to travel and does performances along the way, they came across victims of chemical warfare. They also experienced being abducted by thieves who buried them alive upto their necks as their motorcycle and warm clothes are stolen. Some practices were also exposed by the director in the film like the scene when the lead characters came to attend an Iranian wedding. Later on the two sons finds their solace when Barat met a woman he constantly sees in the film but this grieving woman is always being stopped by the police and forced to do some military services. Audeh on the other hand no longer finds his supposedly 8th wife but he was able to find some orphans who will make nice sons. Mirza was also able to find his own surprise and his two sons made their happy return to their home.   Ã‚   The film is set in a rhythmic and dramatic mode that made it more interesting. This is a story of reality with some moments of humor to break the harsh reality being experienced that time. Although villages have been scourged by Saddam Hussein during his reign of terror, the people are resilient enough to find their ways of surviving.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reference Kobe Bryants and Michael Jacksons upcoming trial essays

Reference Kobe Bryants and Michael Jacksons upcoming trial essays America has faced an overwhelming number of celebrity trials recently and these seem to become a common thing in national courts. Take the latest loud cases of Kobe Bryant or Michael Jackson for example, which both have found their own audience, critics, commentators andfollowers, who knows? In this work I will try to discuss the need for anonymity in the like cases, while my personal belief is that the less information leaks out from the courtroom, the less the scandal has the chances to reincarnate very soon in a similar case. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language interprets ones being anonymous?as an either state of having an unknown or unacknowledged name? of having an unknown or withheld authorship or agency?and, eventually, having no distinctive character or recognition factor? For the sake of supporting my personal position, I will concentrate on the first and last definitions. According to Amanda Paulson, the news media stick to the former meaning mentioned above and completely ignore the latter. In her article When the only unknown is victims name'the author insists that while withholding names of rape victims, the media still offer a complete set of their personal details, including addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail, photos, etc. It is a common fact that the media are actively involved in investigating the accusers, while the logical consequence of such an easily reached informational database is that people dont really need the name of the accuser anymore 'the person automa tically becomes exposed to the public opinion boosted by the newspapers, television reports and then simple rumors . It is yellow press?priority to supply everything a humans bread-and-shows?nature might ask for, and they do so. According to a journalism ethics specialist, the celebrity angle, the intense competition, and the Internet have all kind of lined up to creat...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Battle of Megiddo - World War I - Palestine

Battle of Megiddo - World War I - Palestine The Battle of Megiddo was fought September 19 to October 1, 1918, during World War I (1914-1918) and was a decisive Allied victory in Palestine. After holding at Romani in August 1916, British Egyptian Expeditionary Force troops began advancing across the Sinai Peninsula. Winning minor victories at Magdhaba and Rafa, their campaign was finally halted in front of Gaza by Ottoman forces in March 1917 when General Sir Archibald Murray was unable to breakthrough the Ottoman lines. After a second attempt against the city failed, Murray was relieved and command of the EEF passed to General Sir Edmund Allenby. A veteran of the fighting on the Western Front, including Ypres and the Somme, Allenby renewed the Allied offensive in late October and shattered the enemy defenses at the Third Battle of Gaza. Rapidly advancing, he entered Jerusalem in December. Though Allenby intended to crush the Ottomans in the spring of 1918, he was quickly forced on the defensive when the bulk of his troops were reassigned to aid in defeating the German Spring Offensives on the Western Front. Holding along a line running from the Mediterranean east to the Jordan River, Allenby kept pressure on the enemy by mounting large-scale raids across the river and supporting the Arab Northern Armys operations. Guided by Emir Faisal and Major T.E. Lawrence, Arab forces ranged to east where they blockaded Maan and attacked the Hejaz Railway. Armies Commanders Allies General Sir Edmund Allenby57,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry, 540 guns Ottomans General Otto Liman von Sanders32,000 infantry, 3,000 cavalry, 402 guns Allenby Plan As the situation on in Europe stabilized that summer, he began to receive reinforcements. Refilling his ranks with largely Indian divisions, Allenby began preparations for a new offensive. Placing Lieutenant General Edward Bulfins XXI Corps on the left along the coast, he intended for these troops to attack on an 8-mile front and break through the Ottoman lines. This done, Lieutenant General Harry Chauvels Desert Mounted Corps would press through the gap. Surging forward, the corps was to secure passes near Mount Carmel before entering the Jezreel Valley and capturing the communication centers at Al-Afuleh and Beisan. With this done, the Ottoman Seventh and Eighth Armies would be forced to retreat east across the Jordan Valley. To prevent such a withdrawal, Allenby intended for Lieutenant General Philip Chetwodes XX Corps to advance on XXI Corps right to block the passes in the valley. Commencing their attack a day earlier, it was hoped that XX Corps efforts would draw Ottoman troops east and away from XXI Corps line of advance. Striking through the Judean Hills, Chetwode was to establish a line from Nablus to the crossing at Jis ed Damieh. As a final objective, XX Corps was also tasked with securing the Ottoman Seventh Army headquarters in Nablus.   Deception In an effort to increase the chances of success, Allenby began employing a wide variety of deception tactics designed to convince the enemy that the main blow would fall in the Jordan Valley. These included the Anzac Mounted Division simulating the movements of an entire corps as well as limiting all westbound troop movements to after sunset. Deception efforts were aided by the fact that the Royal Air Force and Australian Flying Corps enjoyed air superiority and could prevent aerial observation of Allied troop movements. Additionally,   Lawrence and the Arabs supplemented these initiatives by cutting railways to the east as well as mounting attacks around Deraa. The Ottomans The Ottoman defense of Palestine fell to the Yildirim Army Group. Supported by a cadre of German officers and troops, this force was led by General Erich von Falkenhayn until March 1918. In the wake of several defeats and due his willingness to exchange territory for enemy casualties, he was replaced with General Otto Liman von Sanders. Having had success in earlier campaigns, such as Gallipoli, von Sanders believed that further retreats would fatally damage the Ottoman Armys morale and would encourage revolts among the populace. Assuming command, von Sanders placed Jevad Pashas Eighth Army along the coast with its line running inland to the Judean Hills. Mustafa Kemal Pashas Seventh Army held a position from the Judean Hills east to the Jordan River. While these two held the line, Mersinli Djemal Pashas Fourth Army was assigned to the east around Amman. Short on men and unsure of where the Allied attack would come, von Sanders was forced to defend the entire front (Map). As a result, his entire reserve consisted of two German regiments and a pair of under-strength cavalry divisions. Allenby Strikes Commencing preliminary operations, the RAF bombed Deraa on September 16 and Arab forces attacked the around town the next day. These actions led von Sanders to send Al-Afulehs garrison to Deraas aid. To the west, the 53rd Division of Chetwodes corps also made some minor attacks in the hills above the Jordan. These were intended to gain positions that could command the road network behind the Ottoman lines. Shortly after midnight on September 19, Allenby began his main effort. Around 1:00 AM, the RAFs Palestine Brigades single Handley Page O/400 bomber struck the Ottoman headquarters at Al-Afuleh, knocking out its telephone exchange and badly disrupting communications with the front for the next two days. At 4:30 AM, British artillery commenced a brief preparatory bombardment which lasted around fifteen to twenty minutes. When the guns fell silent, XXI Corps infantry surged forward against the Ottoman lines. Breakthrough Quickly overwhelming the stretched Ottomans, the British made swift gains. Along the coast, the 60th Division advanced over four miles in two and a half hours. Having opened a hole in von Sanders front, Allenby pushed the Desert Mounted Corps through the gap while XXI Corps continued to advance and widen the breach. As the Ottomans lacked reserves, the Desert Mounted Corps rapidly advanced against light resistance and reached all of its objectives. The attacks of September 19 effectively broke the Eighth Army and Jevad Pasha fled. By the night of September 19/20, the Desert Mounted Corps had secured the passes around Mount Carmel and were advancing onto the plain beyond. Pushing forward, British forces secured Al-Afuleh and Beisan later in the day and came close to capturing von Sanders at his Nazareth headquarters. Allied Victory With Eighth Army destroyed as a fighting force, Mustafa Kemal Pasha found his Seventh Army in a dangerous position. Though his troops had slowed Chetwodes advance, his flank had been turned and he lacked sufficient men to fight the British on two fronts. As British forces had captured the railway line north to Tul Keram, Kemal was compelled to retreat east from Nablus through the Wadi Fara and into the Jordan Valley. Pulling out on the night of September 20/21, his rearguard was able to delay Chetwodes forces. During the day, the RAF spotted Kemals column as it passed through a gorge to the east of Nablus. Relentlessly attacking, the British aircraft struck with bombs and machine guns. This aerial assault disabled many of the Ottoman vehicles and blocked the gorge to traffic. With aircraft attacking every three minutes, the survivors of the Seventh Army abandoned their equipment and began to flee across the hills. Pressing his advantage, Allenby drove his forces forward and began to capture large numbers of enemy troops in the Jezreel Valley. Amman To the east, the Ottoman Fourth Army, now isolated, began an increasingly disorganized retreat north from Amman. Moving out on September 22, it was attacked by RAF aircraft and Arab forces. In an effort to halt the rout, von Sanders attempted to form a defensive line along the Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers but was dispersed by British cavalry on September 26. That same day, the Anzac Mounted Division captured Amman. Two days later, the Ottoman garrison from Maan, having been cut off, surrendered intact to the Anzac Mounted Division. Aftermath Working in conjunction with Arab forces, Allenbys troops won several minor actions as they closed on Damascus. The city fell to the Arabs on October 1. Along the coast, British forces captured Beirut seven days later. Meeting light to no resistance, Allenby directed his units north and Aleppo fell to the 5th Mounted Division and the Arabs on October 25. With their forces in complete disarray, the Ottomans made peace on October 30 when they signed the Armistice of Mudros. In the fighting during the Battle of Megiddo, Allenby lost 782 killed, 4,179 wounded, and 382 missing. Ottoman losses are not known with certainty, however over 25,000 were captured and less than 10,000 escaped during the retreat north. One of the best planned and implemented battles of World War I, Megiddo was one of the few decisive engagements fought during the war. Ennobled after the war, Allenby took the name of the battle for his title and became First Viscount Allenby of Megiddo.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethical Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical Issue - Essay Example The meaning of ethical issues is dealing with or regarding the principles or morals of morality (MacNair, 2003). Ethical issues are concerning the rights and wrongs in conduct, expressing or involving moral approval, in reference to principles of conduct, which are regarded correct, particularly those of a given group or profession for instance nursing. Basic values of saving life, as well as alleviating suffering, is shared by a member of the nursing and medical professions (Bandman, 2002). Codes of honesty, confidentiality and colleagueship, are also anticipated in these groups. Nevertheless, the spirit of obedience and servitude, questioned by Mitchell (2008), but influenced by a majority of nurses, has led to numerous differences in the manner in which dilemmas are tackled and the context in which doctors and nurses regard their professional ethics. This paper will give a comprehensive overview of an ethical issue and its relationship to the ethical and legal aspects of nursing o r other health care professions. It will include an exploration of the pro and con sides of the ethical issue and take a stand on the issue and also critically evaluate the current impact of the ethical issue. ... A majority of the stands nurses presume in this dilemma are persuaded by their own values and beliefs (Bandman, 2002). The consequences, at times, are harsh to both the nurse and the patient. Therefore, how does a nurse provide her services to a patient who has gone through an abortion, when the nurse regards abortion as murder? Should the nurse, with very different values, support the patient’s right to decide her autonomy? Pro Side of the Issue The most frequent reasons why women consider abortion are: Unable to care or support for the child. Birth control failure. Nearly half of all women who have gone through an abortion made use of a contraceptive technique in the month they got pregnant (MacNair, 2003). To stop the birth of a child with harsh medical problems or birth defects. Such defects are frequently unidentified until routine second-trimester assessments are carried out. To terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Mental or physical conditions, which jeopardize the pregnant woman’s health when the pregnancy is continued. Pregnancy resulting from incest or rape. All these are strong reasons why abortion is considered (Bandman, 2002). I also think that a pregnant woman ought to have access to a harmless, legal abortion if she requires one. I endorse a pregnant woman's right to harmless, legal abortion since centuries of history tells us that women are going to make the final decision regarding abortions whether they are legal and safe, or not. Furthermore, when the act is not safe and legal, these women might die terribly or be damaged permanently meaning that they might become barren (MacNair, 2003). Therefore, the pro side of this issue is that it saves women the possibility of going through an unsafe and illegal abortion. In my dream utopia, there would